Category: Uncategorized

  • I love to walk barefoot!

    When I was a child the soles of my feet used to be hard at the end of each summer. I spent the entire summer barefoot running on gravel covered roads, tracks covered with pine-needles and cones (ouch!) and green lush grass. I could walk on almost anything. My absolute…

  • Rama in det du ska säga

    Efter din första introduction är det bra att rama in det du tänker förmedla. Det får publiken att känna sig trygg och har lättare att följa med.För din del, skapar det en struktur och det blir enklare att komma ihåg. Denna inramning består av en kort summering som klargör vad…

  • Redo att ge en presentation?

    Gör dina första ord minnesvärda. Inte bara för din publik men framförallt för dig själv. Dina första ord hjälper dig att behärska din nervositet.Dina första ord hjälper din röst att komma igång.Dina första ord hjälper dig att smidigt komma vidare in på ditt huvudämne. Lycka till 🙂 Om du behöver…

  • Funny story

    I ask my audience a question and anticipate a YES! But I get a NO! And blank faces! My whole speech fell apart at that moment. What to do now? It was not much to do but continue, quickly thinking of an alternative introduction and move on. I decided to…

  • Motivation; an act towards or from something?

      Recently, I have been intrigued by motivation and how it drives us. Do you sometimes say “I am not motivated to do this”? And do you sometimes say “I am really motivated to do that”? Do you ever question why you say these things? Some people seem to always…

  • Expectations always Win-Win?

    What kind of guidance do you want when you start a new job? What kind of support are you looking for? Maybe you can define clear expectations for the position already at the interview process. Maybe you can determine the personality of your future boss so you can immediately adapt…

  • Effective learning vs Efficient learning

      Think back to a time when you started a new job. Most likely you were thrilled about getting to know new colleagues, maybe you got a promotion  or new responsibilities. Let me ask you a question. Did you prepare a “learning plan” for the first 30, 60 or 90…

  • Are you a square peg trying to fit in a round hole?

    Today I want to address the challenges to adapt to a company culture when you enter a new organization or position. Sometimes it may feel that you are a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. The quicker you can learn the new culture the easier your transition…

  • How To Avoid to Falling Prey to Common Integration Traps when: Starting a New Job?

    Integrating into a new role can sometimes be difficult and is often the most challenging area in the professional life of a leader. The success or failure you create during the first few months is a strong prediction for your future overall success in the job.   Think about a…

  • Do you prefer White or Brown Eggs?

      Eggs have been touted as “nature’s perfect food,” “one of the healthiest foods on the planet,” “nature’s multivitamin,” and most simply, “incredible!” After all, eggs are a good source of high-quality protein, they’re rich in healthy fats, they provide an array of essential vitamins and minerals, and they contain…